Írjon nekünk: pataibicaj@t-online.hu


Bukósisak R2 VENTU ATH27D/S Inmold, pink/fekete (52 - 56 cm)


Az ár megtekintéséhez, kérem jelenkezzen be.

At first glance, the design of the VENTU model is inspired by top racing helmets. The top combination of aerodynamics, revolutionary ventilation and perfect comfort will be appreciated especially by those who are really serious about cycling. The aerodynamically efficient helmet's shape improves the characteristics that have a major effect on the airflow around the helmet. The precisely designed low profile of the helmet uses the Venturi effect, thanks to which the air supply through the massive air vents in the helmet is maximized and the aerodynamic drag is minimized. The drawn in air is led through the helmet and contributes to excellent ventilation of the inner part of the helmet. However, comfort is important as well, therefore VENTU has a fully adjustable ergonomic sizing system, which adapts optimally to the shape and size of the head and ensures a comfortable and safe fit of the helmet on the head. The ultra light weight of the helmet is a key parameter that will withstand the competition at the highest level. With this helmet, you will whizz a little faster than you have been used to. RIDE YOUR RACE!

Size description: S:54-56 cm, M: 56-58 cm
Weight: S:220 g, M: 240 g

  • Termékismertető
  • Ajánlott termékek
  • Kapcsolódó anyagok

At first glance, the design of the VENTU model is inspired by top racing helmets. The top combination of aerodynamics, revolutionary ventilation and perfect comfort will be appreciated especially by those who are really serious about cycling. The aerodynamically efficient helmet's shape improves the characteristics that have a major effect on the airflow around the helmet. The precisely designed low profile of the helmet uses the Venturi effect, thanks to which the air supply through the massive air vents in the helmet is maximized and the aerodynamic drag is minimized. The drawn in air is led through the helmet and contributes to excellent ventilation of the inner part of the helmet. However, comfort is important as well, therefore VENTU has a fully adjustable ergonomic sizing system, which adapts optimally to the shape and size of the head and ensures a comfortable and safe fit of the helmet on the head. The ultra light weight of the helmet is a key parameter that will withstand the competition at the highest level. With this helmet, you will whizz a little faster than you have been used to. RIDE YOUR RACE!

Size description: S:54-56 cm, M: 56-58 cm
Weight: S:220 g, M: 240 g
Color: matt pink, black
Number of ventilation holes: 20
The durability of the helmet is guaranteed by proven safety according to the CE EN 1078 standard
Spare padding of helmet included FREE>

Production technology, which makes the helmet of a single high-strength and lightweight unit.
Spare removable and washable padding with bug net.
We garantee proved safety.
Fastening system that conforms to the shape and size of the head in two axes (vertical and horizontal). It can be manipulated with one hand using a pulling wheel.
Easy and quick fastening of safety straps under the chin improves the helmet's placing on the head. It reduces risk of helmet's movement on skier's head during impact and thus increases protection of his head.
Prevents flying insects while driving.
Revolutionary system of active ventilation reacts instantly to changes in outside environment and with the use of adjustable vents regulates the temperature inside the helmet.
Anti-bacterial removable and washable padding that can absorb sweat.
Low weight for more comfortable ride.




Új termékek

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Mellény Santini NEBULA PURO szél fluonarancs S
Mellény Santini NEBULA  PURO női granatina S 2W542L75NEBULOPURO-GRANATINA-S_RME
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Kabát Santini NEBULA PURO szél granatina XS
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Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női pink XS
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női fehér XS BW65GLLLIEVE-WHITE-XS_RE
Aláöltöző Santini LIEVE női fehér XS
Sapka Santini nyári Ironman 9I460COTDEA-GN-UNI_RSK
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Sapka Santini nyári piros/fekete 2S460COTKINE-RS-UNI_RSK
Sapka Santini nyári piros/fekete
Sapka Santini nyári fehér/fekete 2S460COTKINE-BI-UNI_RSK
Sapka Santini nyári fehér/fekete
Mez Santini SLEEK DINAMO zöld S
Mez Santini COLOR PURO fluozöld S
Kesztyű Santini RAGGIO silver bullet S 1S367CLRAGGI-SILVERBULLET-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini RAGGIO silver bullet S
Kesztyű Santini MTB  fekete S SP593CLMTB-BLACK-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini MTB fekete S
Kesztyű Santini MTB  fekete M SP593CLMTB-BLACK-M_RSK
Kesztyű Santini MTB fekete M
Kesztyű Santini ISTI királykék S 1S367CL+ISTI-ROYALBLUE-S_RSK
Kesztyű Santini ISTI királykék S
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Szerszám Unior 621/1TBICB6-US (TR10-30 /6), biztonsági Torx csavarhúzó-készlet TBI (629695)
Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (18), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624925) 624925_SZER
Szerszám Unior 1617/2DP-US (18), egyoldalas kónuszkulcs (624925)
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Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. mangó 15043_ET
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. mangó
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. áfonya  15041_ET
Sponser Energy Balls energia golyók 45gr. áfonya
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Úszódressz Santini MAUI fluozöld XS
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal S 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-TEAL-S_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal S
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal M 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-TEAL-M_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan teal M
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan granatina S 1T65GLLSLEEKMAUI-S_RME
Mez Santini MAUI ujjatlan granatina S

Ajánlott termékek


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